5 Great Reasons To Eat Spicy Food

Spicy Indian food gets a bad rap: we see so many jokes about it on TV. But every Indian cook worth his/her salt knows that it’s about the best kind of food there is!

But there’s more to spicy food than tastiness. Eating masala-packed goodies actually gives you a host of health benefits. Read on to see what these are, and you’ll have more reasons to reach for that spice rack everyday!

Reason #1: They Boost Metabolism

Most spices have the ability to raise your metabolic resting state. Turmeric, a common ingredient in so many of our recipes, has actually been known to suppress fat tissue growth!


Reason #2: Spicy Food Is A Micro-Workout

Did you know that, just by eating spicy food can actually help you burn calories. Thermogenic (heat-generating) properties of chillies can burn calories for up to 20 minutes after a meal.


Reason #3: Fights Cancer

Capsaicin, a component of chillies, actually helps your body fight cancerous cells. Turmeric is also known to slow the spread of cancer, and reduce cancerous tumors.


Reason 4: Improves Heart Health

Studies have repeatedly proven how cultures that eat a lot of spicy food (like ours) tend to have lower heart attacks and strokes. This may be because capsaicin (see reason 3) can reduce the effects of LDL, a bad cholesterol.

Korean instant noodles Spicy instant noodles

Reason #5: You’ll Feel Good

Even as you’re eating delicious spicy food, your body produces higher quantities of feel-good hormones like serotonin. No wonder your mood is so good when you eat some delightful biryani!

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That wraps it up, 5 absolutely great reasons why you should keep eating finger-licking, lip-snacking spicy food. Just exercise common sense with the quantities, and you’ll reap the benefits alone.


