5 Tricks to Beat Jet Lag

5 Tricks to Beat Jet Lag 

Beating jet lag after a trip can be quite a task if it was in a different time zone. Your body follows a certain rhythm called circadian rhythm according to which it clocks all the functions of its organs. These rhythms talk to your body in a manner trained by your daily routines. Your sleep cycles however are not very easy to re- tune and will require quite a bit of an effort for a considerable amount of time.

Here are 5 brilliant tips you can follow to fight jet lag:

  1. Trick your sleep when you fly:Make sure you take short naps as and when possible while you fly. For early morning arrivals, try getting some sleep on the plane to help you stay awake till the night. If your arrival time is in the night, avoid sleeping in the flight.Pacific Islander businesswoman sleeping on private jet
  2. Strictly no alcohol:If you feel you need alcohol to put you to sleep, remember that it is not the best way to trick your system. Increased alcohol consumption can make you feel sleepy but can at the same time enter your bloodstream and make you feel nauseated when jet lag hits you. It is also better to avoid caffeine when you fly. 2
  3. Embrace sunlight:Sunlight stimulates the cells in your body and rejuvenates them making you feel less sleepy and tired. So the next time you land, make a visit to the nearest park or beach and feel the difference yourself.3
  4. Walk barefoot:Whenever possible, remove your footwear and get earthed to the ground. It has been proved that when the energy from the earth flows through your feet and into your body, it creates an intense stimulation which will help you beat jet lag. However, this might have adverse effects if the ground is too hot or too cold. So try this technique only when the temperature is moderate.4
  5. East or west:Your body needs to be tuned to the new time zone at least a week before you plan to make that trip. If you’re travelling west try to sleep as late as possible and if you’re travelling east go to bed earlier than usual and wake up accordingly. 5


