
What is BPA and Why is it Harmful?

BPA is a chemical that may find its way into your food and beverages. Experts believe that it is toxic and must be avoided. If you want to learn more about the negative effects of BPA, this article provides a detailed outline of BPA and its effects on health.

What is BPA?

BPA (bisphenol A) is a chemical substance that is added to many commercial products, including food containers and hygiene products. It is found in many plastics, as well as in the lining of canned food containers.

How does it enter your body?

You might have never thought that this chemical could enter your body through your diet, but in fact packaged and canned foods are by far the biggest source of BPA.  Babies fed formula from BPA-containing bottles also are exposed to high levels of BPA.

Is it bad for you?

Due to its estrogen-like shape, BPA can influence the estrogen levels in one’s body and influence bodily processes, such as growth, energy levels, and reproduction. Also, several studies show that BPA can negatively affect both male and female fertility.

How to minimize your exposure?

  • Avoid packaged foods
  • Drink from glass bottles
  • Don’t microwave plastic
  • Stay away from products that contain BPA

Bottom Line

Take very little effort to safeguard your health. In this, a little can go a long way. So swap your plastic containers for BPA-free ones right away. If you aim to eat fresh, whole foods, you’ll automatically limit your BPA exposure.


Type 2 Diabetes: How Often Should You Test Your Blood Sugar?

Monitoring your blood sugar is extremely important if you suffer from diabetes. It’s crucial to test your sugar levels consistently, keep a record and manage your food intake accordingly. But before you grab your meter and check your blood sugar level, ask yourself this: Is this really the best time to check my levels?

What is the best time to test my blood sugar?


Experts recommend that people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are encouraged to check their fasting blood glucose levels. There are many times when you can test your blood sugar, such as an hour or so after you eat, when you’re sick, after you start a new prescription, or when you’re under a lot of stress. Some usual blood sugar checkpoints include:

  • fasting
  • before meals
  • after meals
  • before bed
  • during the night

    Don’t forget these important times to test!

    Keep Track Of and Learn From Your Blood Glucose Tests


Record your glucose level in a form that’s convenient for you. Perhaps you like writing your results in a record book. Or maybe you prefer using a mobile app that’s available. Find what works best for you, and stick with it.


Try to modify your eating, exercise, and treatment regimen and monitor your sugar levels on a regular basis.


So, check your blood sugar when required and keep track of your results, observe them, and be ready to discuss them with your provider at each visit.



7 bad habits that you should bid goodbye with 2018!

If you’ve promised to give your life a major upgrade in 2019—and beyond; the first step is to leave behind bad habits that may be sabotaging your progress. It might not be easy, but let’s give it a try!



It indeed is very easy to postpone doing what needs to get done and to leave it for the next day – except when the next day never comes. So here’s a suggestion- Maybe you should consider eliminating the word “lazy” from our vocabulary entirely to get back on track and stay active!


Spending too much time on the couch

People living a sedentary lifestyle tend to be less healthy. Experts believe, you should get at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio activity or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio activity per week, or some combination in between.

Waking up at 12 pm or later

People who wake late miss one of the greatest feats of nature- ‘Sunshine.’ Also, if you try waking up earlier; you will have more time to get things done and won’t be missing out on half the day.

Spending money on unnecessary things

Start off this new year with the best of intentions to save money – buying only what you need and trying to watch your spendings. So, how about learning to budget your money and stopping to rely on your credit cards?


Convincing yourself that everything you worry about will happen

Worrying yourself too much is one of those common, sneaky bad habits most people indulge in without realizing it. It can cause a lot of stress. So, stop worrying and start living!

Using electronics before bed

You already know you should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. A before-bed Instagram/Facebook scrolling can steal your sleep away. Moreover, most sleep experts recommend finishing any screen time at least 20 minutes before you’re ready for bed.



4 New Year Health Resolutions Women Should Make In 2019

If you’re looking for New Year’s resolution ideas you can actually stick to, well, you’re probably going to have to look past the big, giant, obvious ones and seek ones that may seem smaller, but will have a bigger impact in the long run. Right?


Here are few habits you can actually stick to for good:


Make—and actually go to—your annual health appointments.

Most women skip seeing their primary care doctor once a year. It gives you a bigger picture of  your health is doing and any potential areas of improvement if any. If you need to visit your primary care doctor—or want to switch to a new doctor—now is the time.


While you’re at it, keep a tab on your family’s health history.

Knowing your family’s health history is probably one of the best tips experts give to the women. Keeping tabs on which health conditions and diseases show up in the family will help inform them about their own risk factors for certain illnesses.

Physician noting down symptoms of a patient

Get at least seven hours of sleep a night. Seriously.

Experts recommend seven to nine hours of shut-eye a night for adults, but according to the most recent data available, most of us aren’t hitting the mark.


Give yourself mini-checkups often  to see if anything’s changed.

Most often, we don’t find the time to visit doctors on a regular basis; that means that a lot of our health is in our own hands, literally. Monitor things like your skin and your breasts, if something deviates from your ‘normal,’ you need to see a doctor.

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Wrap up

New Year resolutions are more than a tradition. They are ways of assessing ourselves and trying to better our future.Isn’t it? So why wait longer ? Let’s get started!



4 easy and meaningful wellness resolutions for New Year!

Most New Year’s resolutions are about improving your health and wellness. One key to achieving your resolutions is picking specific, realistic and achievable goals. Right?
But beyond those basics, what should you do differently? Let’s have a look.

Eat mindfully

The idea behind mindful eating is pretty simple: If you take the time to truly savor what you are eating, without distractions, then your body will tell you when you’re full and what it’s craving.


Find workouts that will help you achieve your fitness goals

First, narrow down what it is you want to achieve at the gym, whether that’s building muscle, increasing flexibility, or burning fat. Then try workouts that are aligned with your goals—and the ones you enjoy.


Nurture your resolutions

How you nurture personal relationships depends on you. If it means you add a weekly lunch with a friend to your schedule? Join a local club or practice your favourite sport. Plan a monthly date night with your partner? Eat meals at the dinner table with your family more often?


Drink a bit more water

If you want to up your water consumption, try keeping a water bottle at your desk, drinking a glass before starting each meal.


Wrap up

Don’t wait until Jan. 1 to start setting resolutions to improve your health and wellbeing. Setting goals and improving yourself doesn’t have a right time; that time is any time and it’s best to start right now.


3 Reasons People Are Switching To Natural Products

More and more people these days are choosing to shop ethically in order to be more sustainable, to support their health and to protect the environment.


If you’ve been on the fence, here are four legit reasons you should switch to natural products along with the rest of the world:
They are eco-friendly

Choose to live a lifestyle that respects the environment by buying and using products that don’t hurt the earth. For example, buying and eating foods with labels like ‘natural,’ ‘organic,’ and ‘locally sourced,’ will help you feel more satisfied that you are contributing to a larger cause.


They are chemical free

Almost 80% of the packaged food we get today contains a variety of chemical preservatives that are harmful for our health. Buying foods without pesticides, chemicals, or processed additives can help you live a healthier life.


They are non-factory made

Because natural products are what they are – natural, they are not made in factories. Products that are organically made are of better quality and are absolutely free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals.


The world is slowly realizing the value natural and sustainable products. Not only does it feels good to shop ethically and contribute to local sellers, it helps sustain the environment.  Let’s make a conscious effort towards saving the environment and promoting healthy living. Are you in?


5 Things Doctors Wish You Would Actually Ask Them!

Finding the right doctor is important, but being involved in the treatment plan as a patient is even more important. Sure, a doctor will prescribe the best treatment plan for you, but that will only work efficiently if you put across the right kind of questions to help you make better decisions about your recovery to health.

If you’re going for a checkup, here are some actual questions you should remember asking:


What is this test/X-ray for?

A doctor may have asked you to get a few regular tests, but it’s your duty to thoroughly ask what that particular test is for and what results to expect.

How long before it gets okay?

Most patients consult a doctor thinking that the course of treatment will take over just one visit but that is not always the case. Some conditions take a much longer time, so it is better to ask your doctor.

Will there be any side effects?

Instead of searching on the internet, your doctor is the best person to explain what to expect and what not to expect when you are prescribed certain medicines.

Can you repeat what you said?

As patients, often don’t want to ask our doctors too many questions so as not to waste their time. But you should ask your doctor any doubts you have so that you know everything that there is to know about your illness.

Asking an ‘awkward’ question

If you have any queries or questions regarding your sexual health, go ahead and ask. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Doctors are not judgmental and might just help you get rid of the problem you are facing.

So next time you visit a doctor, it is important you clear the doubts you have about your condition because asking questions is one of the best ways to ensure you and your doctor are on the same page. And if your doctor doesn’t seem interested in answering, or you get a negative response, you may need to find a new doctor!


3 Ways to Support a Partner with a Chronic Illness

Relationships are built on communication, patience, and mutual support. And when chronic pain and fatigue are part of everyday life, these factors are especially crucial to keep your relationship with your partner healthy.
If you want to be supportive and encouraging but don’t know where to start, we’re here to help. Here are a few practical ways to better support someone with a chronic illness – so you can help those you love.


Have patience.


When you’re in a relationship with someone that struggles with any one of these conditions, the most important thing you can do is to be patient.


Have patience because there will be times when your partner will have what you might consider a few “normal” days. But remember that these days of normalcy are not “normal.” Use these days to your advantage, but don’t pressure your partner to over-exert themselves.

Make life comfortable.


Do your best to make your partner feel as comfortable as possible. Sit down and figure out what they can and feel comfortable being responsible for. Discuss how you can split responsibilities and have a plan “B” ready for when they don’t feel well and are unable to help you.

Be understanding.


Know that when your loved ones complain, it’s not because they’re whining, but because their pain level is probably through the roof.


People generally suck up the minor to moderate pain so that their partner doesn’t have to go through any trouble. So when your partner finally starts to complain, pay attention and offer a helping hand.


Keep in mind that chronic illness affects everyone differently, and it is important for you to be mindful of that. Adjust to each situation accordingly to decide how to best support them.


Now that you’ve read our tips, do you have questions? Any words of advice to add? Comment below and let’s talk about it.



5 Kitchen Ingredients to Help Get Rid of Constipation

Extremely common and frustrating, constipation is something that affects everyone. Often caused by constant lifestyle changes and the binge eating that sometimes follow, there are also times that people suffer from chronic constipation.
A few symptoms include passing stools less than three times per week, straining, lumpy or hard stools, a sensation of incomplete evacuation, feeling blocked or being unable to pass a stool.
Next time you experience constipation, try these tested home remedies before rushing to find the perfect medicine.


  1. Olive Oil
    Oils are essential for a proper balanced diet. Olive oil and castor oil are incredibly good for your body and so are the oil-rich nuts. Acting as a laxative, these oils will help regulate your bowel movements.
  2. Ginger Mint Tea
    When nothing works, try tea! Mint and ginger contain powerful enzymes which are very good for the digestive system. Ginger, especially is considered a warm food which can calm an upset stomach. Drink a concoction of mint or ginger tea before or after meals to detoxify the body and ease up body troubles.
  3. Baking Soda
    Stomach acids play an important part in balancing the body function. When sodium carbonate reacts with the essential acids present in the body, carbon dioxide and water are released. This helps your body maintain a clean colon and regulate bowel movements.
  4. Lemon Soda
    Citrus foods contain a good amount of vitamins and nutrients which maintain body balance. Vitamin-C-rich water aids proper digestion which further improves the digestive tract in your body. So drink a glass full of fresh lemon juice everyday to avoid any kind of trouble.
    Homemade lemonade with fresh lemon and mint
  5. Prunes
    An effective answer to constipation lies in nature’s lap. Prunes contain a good amount of sugar alcohol in them which acts as an effective laxative and can help relieve an upset stomach.

In addition to these, it’s vital to drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.


So the next time you feel constipated, gradually introduce some of these foods into your diet, drink plenty of water and stay physically active. This will help improve your stool consistency, regularity and overall comfort naturally.


Lung Cancer: 5 things you need to know!

Lung cancer is continuing to affect the lives of so many people. It’s important that we understand the disease and what we can do to improve our chances of beating it.

What are the different kinds of lung cancer?

Lung cancer develops in the tissue of the lung – usually in the cells that line the air passages. There are several types of lung cancer:


  1. Non-small cell lung cancer — When epithelial cells inside the lining of the lungs grow rapidly or uncontrollably, often forming a tumour.
  2. Small cell lung cancer — This typically starts in the bronchial passages and affects approximately 15 percent of lung cancer patients.
  3. Mesothelioma — Malignant mesothelioma is a disease in which cancer cells form in the linings of the organs, most often the pleura and sometimes the peritoneum.

What are the risk factors?

Smoking is THE BIGGEST risk factor for lung cancer. Smoking any kind of tobacco- cigarettes, cigars, and pipes can contribute to the risk factors.Tobacco products contain thousands of toxic substances and undoubtedly cigarette smokers are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer than nonsmokers. Hence, the longer you smoke, the greater the risk.


Other risk factors include:

1.Exposure to second-hand smoking

2.Being treated with radiation therapy
3.Exposure to polluted air

4.A family history of lung cancer


Symptoms of lung cancer

Some of the more common symptoms include a cough that does not go away, trouble breathing, chest discomfort, wheezing, hoarseness, and streaks of blood in mucus. Other symptoms can include loss of appetite, weight loss for no reason, and unusual tiredness.

Patients with mesothelioma may notice lumps, pain or swelling in their abdomen or pain under the rib cage.

How do doctors diagnose lung cancer?

When lung cancer is suspected, patients are advised to take up a CT scan, MRI, or PET/CT scan to produce a detailed image of their lungs. If a mass is detected, either a fine needle biopsy, core needle biopsy, bronchoscopy, or endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) is carried out to remove a piece of tissue from a node or tumor. Then a pathologist examines the tissue to determine whether cancer is present and, if so, the type and stage of the cancer.


Diet recommendations for people with lung cancer
It is necessary that the body gets all the nutrients it needs. If you’re deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, your doctor can advise you on which foods can provide them. Otherwise, you’ll need a dietary supplement. We advise you not to take supplements without talking to your doctor because some can interfere with treatment.

ginger-tea-honey-mint-lemon-and-cinnamon_12395-276Here are a few dietary tips:


  • If you don’t have a major appetite, try eating smaller meals throughout the day.
  • If you have been asked to gain weight, supplement your diet with low sugar, high-calorie foods and drinks.
  • Drink mint and ginger tea as it soothes your digestive system.
  • If your stomach is easily upset or you have mouth sores, avoid spices and stick to bland food.
  • If constipation is a problem, add more high-fiber foods.
  • Eat whenever you have an appetite



There’s no sure way to prevent lung cancer, but you can reduce your risk if you:

            1. Don’t smoke- If you’ve never smoked, don’t start.

  1. Stop smoking- Stop smoking now. Quitting reduces your risk of lung cancer.
    3. Avoid secondhand smoke- If you live or work with a smoker, urge him or her to quit.
    4. Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables- Choose a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Exercise most days of the week- If you don’t exercise regularly, start out slowly.



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