Love your lower body workout!

Most of us have hang-ups about an area that we’d love to tone. Lower body seems to be a problem area for a lot of us. Try these simple workouts and experience a total lower body transformation.


Ice Skater

Targets: Abs, lower back, hips, butt, and outer thighs

  • Stand with feet a little less than shoulder-width apart, arms extended, holding the back of a chair for support.
  • Keeping abs engaged, bend left knee slightly while extending right leg to right side, toes pointing toward floor and rotated outward.



Lunge Hinge

Targets: Lower back, abs, hamstrings, and quads


Butt Burner

Targets: Abs, glutes, and hamstrings

  • Begin on all fours, knees under hips and hands under shoulders, back straight, abs tight and head in line with spine.
  • Without arching back, raise right knee to right side. Extend leg straight back so toes are in line with hip.
  • Bend knee to bring heel toward butt; lower and repeat.
  • Do 16 reps; switch sides.


Bottom Line


Targets: Lower back, glutes, and inner thighs

  • Lie faceup on floor with hands at sides, palms down, knees bent and feet on floor.
  • Engaging abs, lift hips, keeping feet on floor (don’t overarch back).
  • At the top, bring knees out to sides as far as possible; return to center, lower, and repeat.
  • Do 12 to 15 reps.
