Metabolism 101 for the middle aged you!

You must have heard people say that their metabolism has slowed down as soon as they hit 30, and how they don’t feel energized like they did 5 years ago.

However, you must know that metabolism does not slow down significantly due to ageing, but due to weakening of muscles. And one doesn’t lose muscle quickly due to ageing either, but due to decreased or no physical activity.

Here are a few steps you can try to maintain a good metabolism:

1. Have protein

Bite on protein first thing in the morning, because muscle breaks down when you sleep and it’s important to refuel it with your first meal. Also, protein carries more calories than carbohydrates, so aim for about 20 grams in each meal throughout the day, which is roughly 3 eggs or 1 cup of lentils. Go for Greek yogurt, eggs and smoothies.



2. Vary your protein sources

Vegetables and seed grains have a good amount of protein, and you can also include cottage cheese.  While eating poultry, pork, beef and eggs, make sure you also eat more fruits and vegetables. Be sure to include omega-3 fats in your diet, like flaxseed oil and fish oil.

Note: If it comes in a bag or a box, it is most likely processed, and contains chemicals and preservatives. So once you decide to stop eating these foods, the cravings automatically go away.



3. Workout your muscles

Exercise is vital to health and weight control at any age, but once you hit 30, your lean muscle mass begins falling. Start with yoga and walk briskly for at least a half an hour every day, or ride a bicycle, or go up and down the stairs 10 times. Muscles must be pushed beyond what is comfortable in order for training to take place. This is what takes you to the next level. And remember that the more muscle you build, the more calories you burn.


4. Stay hydrated

When your body is hydrated, you burn more calories. It accounts for over half of your body weight. Try to drink ice water, which triggers an increased calorie burn as it brings your body temperature back to normal. Also, add green tea to your diet which is low in caffeine instead of coffee.




5. Sleep well

Your body requires 7-8 hours of sleep every night to rejuvenate. It helps control your appetite, so lack of sleep can translate into weight problems. When you reach mid-life, your hormones estrogen and progesterone, begin to drop. It might not seem like much, but it could make all the difference and mean more than any other health decision you make. So get more sleep!


