Practicing self-compassion & why it is important

We all have that nagging voice in the back of our heads that dominate our thoughts, moods and actions. More often than not, we find this voice telling us what we didn’t do, what we don’t have and what we will never achieve. Many of us ignore this voice and push through the day, but what if we told you that you can take control of it instead?


Practising self-compassion can be a path to truly loving and accepting yourself, which is the first step in feeling loved and accepted by others. It’s a better motivator than critical self-talk and is so powerful that it can even rewire your brain to build feelings of calmness, safety, and trust.



So how do you get started?


  1. Observe how you speak to yourself. When you notice self-criticism, stop and think about how a friend might respond to you in that situation. What would you do if the roles were reversed?young-woman-posing-and-imaging_23-2147653640
  2. The next step is to stop yourself when you notice self-criticism. Say something positive about yourself instead, and notice how you feel.funny-girl-celebrating-a-victory_1154-164
  3. Keep a journal, and write in it every day – 2 things you are grateful for, 2 kind statements to yourself, and something small that made you smile that day. Make this a habit, and you’ll start to notice a difference in how you view the world around you.people-hand-writing-notebook-with-gadget_9563-1832
  4. Give yourself a break! When you’re stressed, anxious or worried, just stop and breathe. Take a minute to tell yourself you are doing the best that you can. After all, you’re only human!

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So make the change today. You’ll find yourself happier, more motivated and more empowered to spread love and form bonds with others. Why? Because you deserve it & so does everyone around you.