10 Ways to Help the Environment

Do you know that the environment plays a major role in our health?  As humans, we leave the largest carbon footprint on the planet, and the more we keep harming the environment, the more it affects our health, as a species. Today being World Environment Day, Here is a list of 10 ways you can help protect the environment, and even help reverse some of the harmful effects of our lifestyle.

  1. Walk More:  Walk or ride a bicycle when your destination is close to home. Short trips are generally the hardest on your car and on the environment, so swap out your car for your feet or bike. The less time you spend driving, the less Carbon Dioxide is released into the atmosphere.
  2. Reduce the use of plastic bags:  When you go to grocery stores it is better to stop buying plastic bags, move to using reusable bags instead.
  3. Learn to love leftovers: Plan your meals so that you don’t cook more than you will eat. Store your leftovers and use them up at your next meal. If you do have a lot of food, such as after a party, share it with friends. You can also freeze the leftovers.
  4. Switch off electricity when it’s not used:  If you’re not using an electrical object, turn it off. This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers. They consume a lot of power so it is always better to switch it off when it’s not used.
  5. Recycle: . Be sure to separate your trash cans into glass, metal, paper, etc. the more we recycle the less we waste.  Try to recycle as much as possible.
  6. Don’t waste Food: If possible, choose more local, organic and seasonal food. This will reduce unnecessary transportation ways, keep the environment cleaner and your body healthier.
  7. Plant a tree: Trees clean our air and create oxygen. This is a great way to compensate for the pollution of our environment and a small way to start!
  8.  Save Water: Don’t let water run when you don’t use it. For example while brushing your teeth, washing vessels or when you shampoo your hair make sure you don’t let it run when it’s not being used.  It will save a lot of water.
  9. Say no to plastic bottles: Why buy plastic bottles when you can do so much better? Go for glass bottles and jars instead of throwing water bottles on the road.
  10. Solar Panels: Solar electricity is a definite way to start! Install solar panels on your roof and it converts sunlight to electricity.



