3 ways lack of sleep is making you fat

We are all used to lectures on the importance of adequate sleep during the night. It can lead to all kinds of physiological problems including diabetes, heart disease and anxiety. However many of us disregard these reasons because we don’t feel the effects immediately, and therefore don’t give it much importance. Well, maybe this will change your mind – did you know there is a link between how much people weigh and how much sleep they get?


It’s true! A lack of sleep affects your appetite, physical activity and body temperature, and can lead to obesity. So how exactly are they related?

Appetite –

Sleeping and waking up at the right time has an immediate effect on your appetite. If you stay up late watching Netflix, you’re obviously going to be craving a midnight snack. And as far as midnight snacks go, let’s be honest, you’re probably NOT going to make yourself a salad. Breakfast is your most important meal, and you’ll end up skipping that because you slept in… again.


Metabolic System –

Our internal body clock determines your sleep cycle, hormone production and appetite regulation. Inadequate sleep increases levels of gherkin in your body, which is responsible for making you feel hungry. It also decreases levels of leptin, the hormone that tells you you’ve had enough to eat.


Physical Activity –

If you don’t get enough sleep, chances are you won’t have the energy to go for that morning or evening run. So that means your day is only filled up with hours at work at your desk, or at home on your couch.

woman running on morning

So make a change now. The first step to regulating your appetite is to sleep and wake up on time. Do this, and you will see an immediate change in your energy levels. This will help you get in a few hours of exercise every day, helping you maintain your weight and stay happy and healthy!