4 Hacks to Help Reach Your Fitness Goal!

Come January and the first thing everyone wants to do is get fit – after all it is the perfect time of the year to re-set your routines, get more disciplined and work towards a fitter you. You are already half way there if you have decided to make a commitment to your health but here are four things you should do to make sure nothing stands in between you and your fitness goals!


1.     Set clear goals

It is really difficult to change habits overnight and when you don’t know what you are working towards, it only gets harder.  Make sure you clearly define your fitness goals and write it down so that it is a constant reminder for you to work towards it. A good fitness goal for instance would read something like i want to lose 4kgs over the next three months!


2.     Neglecting what you eat  

Fitness and nutrition are both pillars to a healthy body. If you are ignoring one aspect and over-doing the other, you will not reach your goals. Ensure that you watch what you eat and discipline your eating habits to get the maximum results from your workouts.

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3.     Prioritize fitness

One of the major excuses people give for not being able to meet their fitness goals is “not having enough time”. So make sure you schedule work and your social life well ahead so that you never miss out on a class. Unless you make fitness a priority, your workout time will always keep getting pushed to make space for other “important” things.


4.     Starting over

Remember that if you have decided to attend every class regularly and eat carefully every single day, chances are that you might slip and miss out on a day or two – don’t let this demotivate you! Pick yourself back and start over keeping in mind what your goals where in the first place.

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