5 Tips To Cut Back On Sugar From Your Diet

Do you “suffer” from a sweet-tooth? Do you find it difficult to stop after “one” piece of chocolate? If that is the case, it will be quite a task for you to cut back on sugar. You probably find yourself craving for sugar after every meal and find it really hard to skip dessert.

When you start out, giving up on sugar feels like the most difficult task but it does not have to be so hard –

Here are 5 quick tips to cut back on sugar!


1.     Start slow

For someone who has been accustomed to sugar in some form or the other, it is very hard to go cold-turkey and completely cut back on all sugar. In the initial few weeks, reduce your sugar intake and gradually work towards completely eliminating sugar.

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2.      Read food labels and stay aware

The first step to cut back sugar is to understand where the sugar you eat comes from. Almost all packaged food has sugar and it is important for you to read food labels, understand by what other names does sugar go by (fructose glucose, molasses) in order to avoid these foods. Watch out for these sugar alternatives and stay wary of all packaged foods!


3.     Choose naturally sweet foods

If you are craving for sugar, the best way to satiate the craving is to eat something that is naturally sweet – like a fruit! Remember not to overdo this and save fruits for the days where you really want to enjoy eating something sweet without feeling guilty about it.


4.     Break the habit – monitor your emotions!

For most people, it is more out of routine that they reach out for a piece of chocolate or sweet immediately after a meal – in fact they simply reach out for something sweet because they have been doing this for long enough. If you are one of those people, consciously avoid eating a sweet after a meal!

There is also a general tendency to reach out for desserts when you are stressed, frustrated or feeling depressed – ensure that you avoid this as it is not just unhealthy for your body but it will only aggravate these feelings in the long run!


5.     Stay prepared

One of the major reasons we tend to eat unhealthy is because often healthy food is not readily available. Ensure this does not deter your attempt to cut back on sugar and make sure you always have a stock of healthy snacks.





