Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man – there’s your diamond in the rough

Bald is the new sexy!!!! 

Today’s guests were a professor from MCC and a top man from Event Genie.

Professor says being bald gives one a new identity , “God made just a few perfect heads! The rest he covered with hair. I look different and I make use of it! I realized I was going bald when I was 25 years old.”

Another guest tells us that he comes from from a family of sexy bald men !” My father, granddad, everyone lost hair early. There was no point in having sparse hair, so I decided to have a nice clean shiny style.”

Jane says that she has noticed  that bald people dress well ! She also pulled out a couple of quotes, “We are all born bald baby!” ” Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man – there’s your diamond in the rough” – by Larry David

The guests discussed how hair transplant & product companies make a big deal about it. Youngsters should not lose confidence looking at such ads, confidence comes from within and not from the amount of hair one has. It’s good to enjoy the bald style, and not try too many different things and constantly worry about it!

They felt that guys tend to get shy and do not talk about it. It’s a psychological bias, just like being fair or dark. The hair growing products are dealt with in a similar manner to products that promote fairness. There is little difference in the fact this too projects a bias.

The best solution is to not be bothered about it ! Be as popular as you can be.  Bald men tend to concentrate more on their dress and not on their hair, thats probably why they dress better ! One shouldn’t bother too much about your baldness or your clothes, it’s about being comfortable with who you are !

A caller is all excited about the topic and says her husband is completely bald and he looks very sexy! She claims it’s a sign of wisdom! Men look nice when they are confident, and there are so many advantages, such as no shampoos. A caller who claims he is a budding baldie tells us that he was bothered about his baldness until tuned into the show ! And now he has nothing to fear !

Looks like the girls are loving the baldness, concluded Jane. Going bald is definitely not a disease!