Guide to hydration during sports!

Proper hydration is necessary during your workout session. Learn how to drink enough before, during and after your workouts to give your best performance. #SliceOfHealth provides a guide on how you can stay hydrated while playing sports or during your workouts.


Pre-workout hydration

Make sure that your body is hydrated before you engage in any form of physical activity. This will help maintain the fluid levels in your body as you keep up with your activities.



During-workout hydration

A considerable amount of fluid from your body is lost during sports or workouts. Whenever you get short breaks when playing, take that opportunity to hydrate yourself. The intensity at which you lose body fluids most often depend on the intensity of your sport or exercise. Activities that exceed more than 40-60 minutes will need one to hydrate during the process.



Post-workout hydration

After a practice or a workout session, drink to quench your thirst and then drink some more. Drinking after intensive or a powerful workout is also essential for the body to recover as a lot of fluid is lost through sweating when working out.



Best Drinks for Hydration

There are a couple of fluid options you can try with water being the most popular fluid you will find. It is also advisable to drink fruit juices and milk, which are also useful when it comes to body hydration as they contain nutrients that are good for fitness. Drinks that contain caffeine can also be consumed.
