Gym At Home: 4 Exercises You Can Do Without Any Equipment

When you think exercise, you probably picture a gym with treadmills, dumbbells and big, heavy weight training equipment. However, you can still exercise effectively without an expensive gym membership. Simply try these easy exercises; they help you use your bodyweight to build muscle and lose weight.

Exercise 1: Squats

We just spoke about using body weight to burn fat and build muscles, and nothing does this better than good old squats.

Standing with feet about a shoulder width apart, you lower yourself as if sitting on an imaginary chair. This works the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks, quadriceps femoris muscle (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris), and your hamstrings.

Squats also help you build essential core strength.


Exercise 2: Push- Ups

These are assigned to soldiers in the army both as an exercise as well as a form of disciplining, and it’s easy to see why. Pushups are the best bodyweight exercise for the upper body.

You rest facedown on the floor, and place your palms on the sides of your shoulders. Keeping your body rigid, you push yourself off the ground. Then, you slowly come back to the starting position. That’s one pushup.

Pushups work your chest muscles, deltoids (shoulders), triceps (the back of your arms), abdominals (abs), and “wing” muscles under your armpit. They are a little tough: you can make them easier for yourself by kneeling (knee pushups).


Exercise 3: Jumping Jacks

They are fun to perform, you don’t need any equipment, they elevate your heart rate, and exhaust you really quickly. This makes jumping jacks one of the best cardio exercises you can do at home.

Do note that, if you’re extremely overweight, you might strain your knees and/or ankles. Consult your doctor before trying jumping jacks if you are on the heavier side.


Exercise 4: Running And Walking

Nature’s best cardio exercise.

Going for a walk or a jog may not seem like much, but the effects speak for themselves. Runners and athletes don’t do a whole lot of other weight training exercises. They are all about the cardio, and running works great for this.

If running puts too much strain on your ankles or other joints, switch to walking. It has its own benefits.


Use these 4 workouts, and you can build muscle and lose weight right at home. And you wouldn’t have to buy so much as a dumbbell, or a treadmill.
