Healthy Habits to follow in your 20s and 30s

The 20s and 30s of a woman’s life are her prime years. While it is absolutely encouraged to be a free spirit, this is also the time where you tend to make poor health choices. So, here are 6 habits to follow in your 20s and 30s for a full and fun life!


  • Fill your nutrition gaps:

Studies suggest that women in their 20s and 30s need 60 to 70 grams of protein in a day, in addition to several other nutrients like iron, calcium, phytonutrients and omega-3. It’s important to identify why each nutrient is needed by your body and which ones you lack.


  • Catch some z’s

The recommended average duration of sleep for an adult is 7-8 hours. Catching up on that beauty sleep doesn’t just leave you feeling refreshed and energetic, it also lowers the risk of hypertension and diabetes!


  • Step on that scale:

It is very important to maintain your weight and a healthy BMI for your body, as it reduces the risk of so many disorders such as diabetes and PCOD. Making healthy food choices, eating lots of veggies and fruits and drinking adequate water are all things that you can do to maintain your weight.


  • Party in moderation:

While the intake of alcohol in moderation has certain health benefits, it is important not to go too overboard as this might cause some serious damage to your liver. So party smart, ladies!


  • Let go of vices:

Smoking and drinking are vices that are hard to let go off. However, they cause more harm than good, and slowly weaning yourself off of these vices is something you in 20 years will be grateful for!


  • Get screened regularly:

It’s important to know the numbers of your own body and maintain optimum levels of cholesterol, blood glucose and blood pressure. Get your systems screened regularly to detect any abnormalities before they become problems!


So there you go ladies! Follow these habits for a long and healthy life! What other tips would you recommend?