Mood Disorders: How to Recognize and Treat Them

If your emotions and moods seem out of your control over a long period of time, you may have a mood disorder. There are several different types, and all of them can be treated. Knowing the different signs of mood disorders can help you —or someone you know — get the treatment


What is a mood disorder?

Moods are universal. Most of us have them. But mood disorders can be hard to spot, which is why we give you three tell-tales signs to identify mood disorders.

  • Intense Mood Swings
  • Gradual onset (over several weeks or months, not hours or days)
  • Nothing you tried ‘ to snap yourself out of it’ helped.angry-businessman-with-hands-in-his-hair_53419-1261


What are the symptoms?

Persistent sadness is a common and a recognizable symptom. Other symptoms include excessive irritability, weight gain or weight loss, disrupted sleep and very low energy.



Is there a cure to mood disorders?

There could be numerous causes of depression and most cases respond well to medication. But remember that medication is never the only way. When people get depressed, they start to think differently – this is where therapy comes in, in particular cognitive behavioural therapy helps patients recognize distorted thinking patterns and tries to get them like how they were before.



Don’t be afraid to admit if you are struggling with a mood disorder and remember that you not alone. Don’t fear being misunderstood, judged or think that you’ll receive backlash from friends and family.


Call a friend or loved one and admit it today. Although there is momentary discomfort, you will experience freedom in admitting your struggle with depression.

