Nutrition Tips to Get Well Soon After a Surgery

Surgeries can save you from a lot of illnesses but at the cost of disrupting the natural layout of the cells involved. It involves cutting through the healthy cells of the skin to repair the damaged ones. Usually, a lot of care is taken after surgeries to help the tissues to heal themselves in a healthy way. This healing happens through repairing, rebuilding and replacing of old tissues with new ones. This process may demand additional nutrients from the food you eat and requires special attention on your diet.
Here are a few nutrition tips that you can follow for a quick and healthy recovery after a surgery.

Be generous on those proteins
Proteins majorly help in cell reconstruction and recovery. Lean proteins are considered to be the ideal way of getting the most healthy proteins without having to consume the unhealthy saturated fat that comes otherwise. Some healthy sources of lean proteins include egg, cheese, low fat dairy, beans and fish. Nuts are also good contributors of proteins and can provide additional vitamins or minerals needed for wound healing such as selenium. Hence it is also advised to add peanut butter, granola bars and nut bars to your diet. Some physicians may advise you to stay away from nuts, so make sure you talk to your specialist before you plan your diet.


Always check the label before you buy food
It is mandatory to know what goes into your tummy. Watch out for anabolic steroids, saturated fat, trans fat, Neu5GC, methionine, cadmium, heterocyclic amines, IGF-1 and such harmful constituents that may slow down the activity of the cell rejuvenation.


Beware of constipation
Constipation is a commonly occurring problem after surgeries and is mainly due to the consumption of painkillers. It is therefore necessary that you avoid constipation inducing foods like dry fruits, red meat, potato chips, sweets including cakes, candies, pastries, etc. and other high fat dairy foods. Eating food rich in fibre can have a natural laxative effect that can alleviate constipation.

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Embrace the vitamins
Vitamins are a must after any surgery. Vitamin A (found in dark green vegetables, carrots and oranges) and Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, potatoes, berries, tomatoes, melons, etc.) help in the wound healing process. Vitamin D (found in dairy products, fish, eggs and fortified cereals) aids in healthy bone formation. Vitamin E (found in vegetable oils, nuts, beef liver, milk and eggs) protects the body from free radicals. Vitamin K (found in green leafy veggies, fish, liver and vegetable oils) is necessary for blood clotting.

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