Questions To Ask Yourself When You Feel Intense Anxiety

Anxiety is often caused by unhealthy thought patterns, worries, and stress. However, sometimes that uncomfortable, distressful, and at times panic-inducing experience has little to do with what we’re thinking, and more to do our biochemistry or what we just ate. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much we “talk it out” because our anxiety has little to do with what our thoughts and more to do with these other culprits.

If you ‘re feeling anxious and can’t chalk it up to worry, ask yourself these questions:

1. Did you just have caffeine, sugar, or MSG?

All of the above can increase heart rate and cause hyperarousal and feelings of anxiety in some individuals. Pay attention to labels, and notice if your body reacts to certain foods or drinks containing such ingredients. I, for example, am not generally affected by caffeine (although my colleague’s anxiety skyrockets if she drinks it), but if I order Chinese and forget to make sure there’s no MSG, I’m up all night with heart palpitations and catastrophic thoughts. Check out this link for hidden sources of MSG.

2. Could hormones have something to do with it?

After deciding to cease oral contraceptives after a decade, I experienced a serious hormonal imbalance that mimicked menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, and cognitive and physical anxiety were present a good part of my days. After seeing my naturopath and working toward balancing my hormones, I noticed a significant improvement and felt calm (although anxiety still worsens for me at certain times in my cycle). If you’re feeling anxious or depressed and can’t pinpoint why, it might have to do with fluctuating or unbalanced hormones.

3. Are you fatigued or getting sick?

Low energy, foggy brain, and a general sense of malaise contributes to anxiety in a couple of ways: 1) it creates a stress reaction as your body tries to fight illness, and 2) your cognitive functioning is affected, often resulting in feeling anxious, unfocused, and indecisive. Remember to lower your expectations for yourself in this case, especially for tasks involving cognitive performance.

4. Did you have a few too many glasses of wine last night?

I met a friend in Nicaragua who described his experience of “The Scaries” after we imbibed too much the night before. Before that, I thought I was the only one who experienced feelings of depression and anxiety as byproducts of a hangover (why do we drink again?). Alcohol messes with our nervous system and neurotransmitter levels, which can cause anxiety (or “The Scaries”).

5. What’s the state of your gut bacteria?

Growing evidence is revealing a connection between gut bacteria and anxiety. This is thought to be due to the vagus nerve, which connects the gut to the brain. Take your probiotics and be mindful of food intolerances! Many people have no idea of the brain-gut connection, or that their diet could be contributing to their experience of anxiety.

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