In schools, we are told to use a brain like a muscle – constantly put it to use, think, solve your math problems, and ideate to keep it working as well as it can. But get this – working your body muscles can benefit your brain too! Studies have declared links between mental and bodily agility and fitness.  Read on to find out how some of your favourite sports activities help your brain grow!


1. Aerobics: The hippocampus, i.e, the core of the brain’s memory systems responds well to aerobics exercises. Your memory boosts, and so does your cardio-vascular strength!



2. Walking & Cycling: Studies have also shown that certain activities help with memory formation, and not just retention. Controlled experiments revealed that these activities helped to learn a foreign language!



3. Basketball: Playing basketball has been proven to increase a person’s attention span. And if you feel like you don’t want to get out-of-breath just yet, even bouncing a few balls with your friends helps. Now keeping your eye on the ball equals focus, literally too!



4. Running & Swimming: They don’t call it “Runner’s High” and “Swimmer’s High” for nothing. And no, it’s not just a release of endorphins that is behind it, which is a common misconception since studies found that endorphin levels in the blood spiked after prolonged exercise. Endorphins are large molecules, and they can’t move from the blood to the brain, so it’s unlikely that they are the sole chemical responsible for your brain’s high. A chemical called Anandamide is responsible too – and it moderates the psychoactive and feel-good highs of the brain. It leaves one with a feeling of elation, euphoria, and a better state of mind.



5. Table Tennis: It happens to be the world’s best brain sport. A brain imaging study from Japan found that just 10 minutes of table tennis increases activity in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum – it encompasses focus, hand-eye coordination, spins, and strategies in one action-packed game.



6. Martial Arts: Martial arts actually enhance the brain’s physical structure. Researchers found that people who participated in a form of martial arts had higher gray matter tissue density, resulting in better brain activity.



So don’t be lazy or dismissive about sports – it’s a workout for your whole body, all the way upto the brain!

