Tips to Get Monday off to a Great Start

Monday Morning Blues are a real thing: but it needn’t be something that should bring you or your morale down! Understandably, after a good weekend where you unwind – or sometimes, don’t get to quite do that – you tend to want to prolong the idle time rather than to rush back to work after the break. But here are some tricks and tips that you can keep in mind, so you can waltz back to office on Monday and start your week off on a good note!
Be weekend wise: Sure, your weekend is a good time to relax, unwind and pretty much do nothing. But the more lethargy you indulge in, the tougher it is to get out of the idle state back into work. Think about adding a few chores on your weekend, especially those that can make the rest of your week less stressful. For instance, make sure that your clothes for the week are in order, pay up any bills that are pending, catch up on meetings that you know might be impinging on your weekdays, so that you can comfortably get into the weekday mode with lesser on your mind.
Disconnect from tiring work over the weekend: The inadequacy of a weekend hits you hard when you see your weekends packed with a lot of demands. Try not to pack your weekend with too much to do, that you wind up spinning like a top. To relax, you really need to give your mind and body the space and freedom to do just that.
Cook ahead for the week: Let’s face it. Cooking can be a chore when it is not for an artistic, hobby centric pursuit. Putting meals together for the day can be harrowing, especially when you know that you need to be at work at a particular time. The easiest route you can take is to cook in advance on a Sunday evening, and stock up all the food in containers in the fridge, ready to be re-heated and eaten.
Approach Mondays with an open mind: Half the time, just the sheer thought of Monday can be a looming threat of annoyance and dullness. The best thing to do is to keep an open mind about the day: well, it’s only just another day in the week, and true, you’re working, but it’s also taking you closer to the next weekend! Listen to music on the way to work, or catch up on a happy feel-good radio show or an audio book, and you’ll do just great!
Prepare for Monday on Friday: Oftentimes, you head back to office with a huge load of pending tasks and unfinished obligations from the past week. Before closing down on work on Friday, keep track of the things you can attend to before Monday, or even space out through the week. While working through the week, try to look for ways to minimise the burden of work you will be carrying along with you into the next week.

How do you beat your Monday Morning Blues? Share it with us in the comments below!



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