It does not matter what you put on your face – creams, gels, ointments or even ingredients from the kitchen! What actually matters more is what you feed your body.

Nutrition and good skin health have a direct connection that most people don’t realize, or tend to neglect. It is easy to look for quick fixes; It is easy to slap on a cream or pop a tablet or get a facial done and hope that your skin gets better. What is not easy is to consciously make lifestyle changes that will aid good skin health.

Here are some foods you should eliminate from your diet or at least reduce, in order to get clear skin.


Sugar is one of the main culprits when it comes to acne – if you cannot resist the urge to grab that piece of chocolate every single day or if you love your cupcakes every other day this just might be the problem. This does not mean that every piece of sugar filled goodie you have is causing a pimple. Monitoring your overall sugar intake and ensuring that you don’t overdo it is critical to good skin.


2.Dairy Products

For a lot of people, there is no check on how much milk or milk products they consume. Throughout the day, especially if you are a vegetarian, you might be consuming just too many glasses of milk without realizing it. In addition, you also eat curds, paneer, cheese, and so on. Overdoing dairy products is a sure shot way to help acne grow. Stay away from too much cow’s milk specifically, and dairy, in general, to see your skin better.

3.Oily foods

On a daily basis, we have the tendency to munch on something that is fried and oily. This is especially true when we are snacking, or trying to cover for those midnight hunger pangs. Oily foods can, however, worsen your skin. Make sure that you have nuts or other healthy options ready in hand when you feel like snacking.

Here are a few foods that you can eat to help your skin stay clear.

1.Green Tea

Sipping on green tea or even better, replacing your evening coffee with it, can truly do wonders for your skin and help clear up your acne.


Staying hydrated is very important and while people constantly keep forgetting to track how much water they consume, make sure you drink just enough through the day. Keeping a water bottle at your work desk and an alarm every other hour to remind you to refill it is a good strategy.

3.Fish or Flaxseed

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids help your skin stay healthy. If you are a vegetarian opt for fish capsules or flaxseed, and non-vegetarians can rely on a healthy plate of fish as an addition to their diets!


